共為你找到:55筆mp530 ink singapore 相關企業資訊
In the woodworking industry, HOMAG is one of the most respected and familiar names in the world. Established in 1982, HOMAG Asia Pte Ltd Taiwan Branch is a member of the HOMAG Group, a global leader in the manufacture of industrial machines for the woodworking and furniture industry. the headquarter is situated in the central location of Singapore, HOMAG Asia’s operations stretch across the entire region of South East Asia. With branch offices in Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand, and a number of representatives in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, assistance and servicing are always conveniently at an arm’s reach.
GOST-ASIA was established in Singapore in 1992. GOST-ASIAs exclusive sphere of activity is to provide the manufacturers and exporters of products to Russian Federation and CIS countries with consultation and certification services. GOST-ASIA is an Accredited Certification Body with rights to issue GOST Certificates of Conformity under the GOST R Russian National Certification System.
We are a japanese base company whose Taiwan sales office the branch of singapore aisia pacific sales HQ. we are one of compnay belong to Fujitsu Group. we have manufactures for electric-mechancial components which are located located in Japan/China/ Taiwan and Malaysia. We are selling the components include relay/connector/thermal printers/ KVM/wireless module/.....
NuTune specializes in RF Tuner Module design and manufacturing for all segments of Broadcast Transmission. We have been serving the RF Tuner industry for over 40 years, providing high quality RF modules for TV and Set-Top Box applications. Our Singapore headquarters houses our Technical Development Centre, Marketing and Operations Engineering. NuTune’s manufacturing facility is strategically located on Batam island, Indonesia just 45mins ferry ride away from Singapore. We have also sales offices in Taiwan, Europe and China supported by an extensive network of distributors and agents throughout the world.
We are a Singapore based software company specialising in packaged software development and integration for Wealth Management Structured Products businesses. Due to its ease of use and depth of functionality, our solution has become the de-facto choice for market leaders since 2003. We built the system with Dual Currency Deposits and then extended it to comprehensively include products such as Equity Linked Notes, Tranche Based Structured Products, Principal Protected Deposits, FX Equity Accumulators, Vanilla Barrier Options. Our software is equally detailed across all three phases of a transaction life cycle viz. pre-deal, at-deal and post-deal. Our solution is designed for retail and private bank relationship managers and operations users, and is distinctly different from the trader oriented systems in the market. We offer the right mix of distributed thin client functionality complemented by rich centralized modules. Our system is proven to perform well under heavy volumes, with our largest client using the system for more than 2,000 end-users (with 500 concurrent users) across 11 countries, supported by a central dealing hub and a common multi-entity-enabled database. We are known for our quick turnaround time, precision in delivery and flexibility towards our clients’ requirements. Our installations are typically completed on-time, however aggressive the schedules might be. e.g. we built 11 different interfaces for a large investment bank within 8 weeks. We are privately owned and have 7 offices globally. We have a flat organisation structure comprising of an experienced development team, complemented by domain knowledge specialists and quantitative analysts, who come from some of the top institutes. Our retention rates are among the best in the industry which has ensured continuity and stability to our clients.
The HRnetGroup has been a leader in the HR consulting industry. Today, our operations span 8 offices in Asia Pacific (Singapore - HQ, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Japan and Thailand) with 850 full-time industry-specific consultants of 14 nationalities. Our business as a Strategic Search companies, we support over 300 MNCs that have critically relied on our search methodology for talents to meet their critical business needs.
1. 本公司自1989年成立,至今已經22年 2. 公司草創之初,以蔬果運輸與批發起家,至今已漸趨穩定,並蓬勃發展,為求公司穩定成長,特別成立開發業務部門,徵求有業務經驗者,協助本公司另拓戰場。 3. 公司為求多元發展,嘗試拓展海外市場,若有馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國、印尼等地的海外朋友,我們需要海外駐點分部的業務經理。 English: 1. We have established over 22 years, from 1989 to date. 2. In the beginning, we transport vegetables and fruits around the south area of Taiwan, and we developed pretty well. As we want to growth bigger and bigger, we set up the business department. If there’s any experineced people, welcome to my company and make an interview. 3. We want to make a multiple developement, we want to open the international business. If there’s anyone who lives in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and he/she could speak Chinese or Taiwanese or English, please make an interview with Personnel manager, Mr. Chen.
永茂旅行社提供台灣遠洋漁船的船員換航服務有二十多年的經驗,舉凡大陸、越南、印尼等國籍船員前往各漁業基地,永茂旅行社皆能為船東爭取到最優惠之機票;服務漁業界奠定永茂旅行社二十多年來茁壯的基礎。為了擴大服務並在廣州成立辦事處,使船員能順利出境到達基地。 永茂旅行社提供到達下列漁業基地之船員特惠票: 太平洋: 薩摩亞American Samoa 、斐濟Fiji、巴拿馬Panama、厄瓜多爾Ecuador、馬尼拉Manila。 印度洋: 新加坡Singapore、檳城Penang、曼谷Bangkok、巴里島Denpasar Bali、摩里西斯Mauritius。 大西洋: 開普頓Cape Town、華維斯灣Walvis Bay、阿必尚Abidjan、拉斯、達卡Dakar、蒙特維多Montevideo、千里達Trinidad and Tobago。
T.I.L. GROUP CO.,LTD. ( TIL ) member of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA), is a Class A Forwarding company licensed by People’s Republic of China and holding a NVOCC (Non -Vessel Operating Common Carrier) license from the Ministry of Transportation of China. Incorporated in 2004, TIL started operations in Shenzhen and Shanghai and now has expanded its operations in Guangzhou , Xiamen , Qingdao, Xingang , Wuhan & Taiwan, with more than 10 year of experience in international shipping lines and logistics, with dedicated professional team that has been specializing in the domestic , international and multimodal transportation services. TIL main expertise is in the following services: ‧ Air & Seafreight cargo ‧ Tank container international operation ‧ Tank container domestic operation ‧ Tank container & special container lease & sales ‧ Flexibag Operation & Sales ‧ Customs Brokerage in China ‧ Inland Transportation & Warehouse Service ‧ Door to door one-stop transportation ‧ Project Logistics ( Oversize cargo , Drumming & distribution …. ) TIL services extend worldwide, with a network covering: ‧ Asia - China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, to Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India , Pakistan and Iran ‧ Europe – Belgium,Germany,France,Netherlands,Spain,Italy and UK ‧ Americas - USA, Mexico & Brazil With its reliable equipment leased from the world’s largest tank container & special container owners and its global logistical network, TIL is totally dedicated to providing its customers with one-stop tailor-made, efficient , safety and reliable logistical services.
將datavideo成為數位影音科技的快樂品牌是洋銘科技的願景。洋銘科技成立於1985年元月、至今已邁入第25年。依其商標的涵意在20幾年前成立之初、已明白表示此公司的專長將是整合數位”資訊”與”影像”的高科技應用產品於市場。 台灣資源甚少,若要在國際競爭市場佔有一席之地,長久之計必需在”藍海”市場拓展自己的一片天。”紅海”市場(國際惡性競爭、血流成海)早已不適用於台灣企業,唯有早入國際”藍海”市場、未來才能充分發揮台灣人才的最大價值化。 為執行藍海策略必需具備下列條件: 1.自有品牌 2.跨國際公司及自行拓展市場的能力 3.國際的股東及董事成員, 4.獨特的專長技術 5.開放創意及創意整合 6.全球共同的公司文化願景 而在”藍海”市場經營多年的洋銘科技早已具備上述條件: 1.21年 品牌在廣播及教育市場已享有一定的地位及品牌知名度,產品已銷往百餘國,國際相關產業媒體多可看到datavideo品牌產品的報導。您亦可在網頁搜尋叁見datavideo的國際品牌活動資訊。 2.除台灣公司之外,海外另有7家公司含美國、歐洲荷蘭、英國、中國、新加坡、香港及泰國等成員共約百人菁英。未來將續拓展海外公司如印度、俄羅斯、曰本及中南美國家等。各海外公司皆依該區市場特性來策劃市場的行銷活動。每年固定的展會不計其數,主要大型展會如美國NAB Las Vegas, IBC Amsterdam, BA Singapore及 BirTV Beijing等皆有datavideo的活動。 3.洋銘科技尚未公開上市但股東成員已約60人,多為公司海內、外員工。國籍含歐、美、亞等,董事會多年前亦即含歐、美、亞人事等。皆以國際化方式公開,開放來共同經營。 4.數位影音的科技以IEEE1394、各種影音壓縮格弍及光碟、硬碟儲存科技為主並獲得兩項光碟儲存專利等、另外國內精品獎、國外產品最佳或最值得購買等獎及評論datavideo皆不缺席。現正研發HD (High Definition)影音相關應用技術、預計於2008年前呈現於國際市場。更重要的、洋銘科技產品已成功橫向整合。其產品除了攝影機、電腦及NLE(非線性剪輯)軟體外,洋銘科技產品已能自行架構完整的小型電視台來製作、儲存及廣播等。產品可參考網頁: www.datavideo.info 應用實例:國外學校如美國史丹福、香港中文大學及國內外各電視台、學校大、中、小學、企業及政符機構…..等。 5.自有品牌的經營及推廣、不但需要多元的創意來自海內外、更需創意的整合。洋銘科技充分運用跨國公司資源來蒐集全球各區域市場需求的方向、經論壇開放式的討論、共同訂定產品及行銷策略。執行方法除平時常透過Internet的E-Mail及視訊會議外,各地國際展會後的市場反應探討會議及每年至少兩次多天的未來新產品及全球行銷策略集會,如 ”校園數位電視台” 的推廣計劃的產生即為實例。此模式經多年來的執行,成效斐然,奠定了洋銘科技在藍海策略的成功基石,亦令Datavideo在各展會其中,近年來已成為其他海外參廠商參考重點對象。 6.許多廠商曾問及於洋銘科技有關自有品牌國際推廣成功的要素是什麼?答案皆如一,那就是洋銘文化:關心、公平及耐心。文化的成功與否在於全球公司同仁的一言一行而非只是精神口號。若要令datavideo為快樂品牌,則全球代理商亦要相信及執行關心、公平及耐心文化於行銷、服務行為上,如此無論任何國籍的夥伴皆能產生共同價值觀甚至及於客户。有了共同價值觀,永續經營將是自然結果、而不只是個目標。 洋銘科技datavideo多年來如台灣水牛以默默耕耘方式,花了21年始達成階段性的成功。洋銘科技的驕傲是以祖先典型的台灣文化:務實、耐苦、冒險及人本為主的特質演進化出洋銘文化。辛苦都有代價,洋銘雖未上市近期亦無上市計劃,但EPS表現比許多上市公司更亮麗 2003年5.33元.2004年8.95元,2005年亦約9.0元。近幾年每年配給公司員工的紅利現金加上股票及執行退休制度,不但給公司同仁無後顧之憂外,更重要的是提供了一個國際挑戰的平台、成長的空間及成果最大價值化的團隊。 洋銘科技對下一階段的成長已有明確目標,需新一代的菁英來接棒執行。 洋銘科技對未來菁英同仁寄予無限的期待及歡迎。我們有自信洋銘科技將會成為一家國際大型高科技公司,有您的加入將使此路程更具意義及順暢。歡迎您!
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